Monday, April 16, 2018

The 50 Days of Easter

I have attached a copy of the doodle to color prayerfully can be downloaded online using the following links:

Oops! Shared Pictures:

Apparently the hyperlink to the Triduum pictures at Marywood shared above didn’t work, so here is the direct link if you wish to view these.

The Alleluia Heart: Praising God’s Goodness

Another link I wanted to share with you (related to the “50 Days of Easter”), is the web page for Dominican Women Afire (DWA).  Here is the home link:

If you scroll down on the home page, you will see Easter Reflections ("The Alleluia Heart:Praising God's Goodness!") These are written by Dominican Sisters who are a part of Dominican Women Afire.  I wrote the one for April 6th.  Each day of Easter is posted daily if you wish to reflect on these. Or, there is also an option to sign up to receive these daily during the Easter Season.  (Read the “About” tab to learn more about who we are.)

What Are You Seeking?

Here’s another ‘shout out’ for our next Come and See Discernment Weekend!   Would you believe it is only 6 weeks away?  So it’s...